1:1 Services

1:1 support including:
Consultation (1:1), Administrative (1:1) (Documentation), and Interview Preparation or Mock Interview (1:1) Support is available at any time, please review the below 1:1 services and check for availability by clicking on ‘Book now’. 

As an organization, IMG Career Counselling specializes in supporting clients who are working on the following assessments: PRA, ERAS, CaRMS, MLP IMG, BC CAP, AIMG MMI, as well as Fellowship and Healthcare Roles.
New Client Contract

Consultation (1:1)

During zoom 1:1 consultations, I provide support based on what our clients are looking for. This can include the following:

  • Create strategies for your application(s)

  • Educate about the Canadian Medical Licensing Process

  • Develop a comprehensive timeline

  • Create action plans for optimal outcomes

  • Provide honest & constructive feedback

  • Educate about the interview process & how to set yourself up for success

  • Actively listen for understanding about your unique background, strengths, skill sets, education, and abilities to support your journey

  • Educate and guide you towards the different pathway options

  • Share relevant resources, links, and tools
    60 min - $164+hst

Interview Preparation or Mock Interview (1:1)

These informative practice sessions allow our clients to practice answering targeted questions and/or scenarios in a warm and supportive environment. Afterward, there will be constructive feedback and suggestions provided to help support improvement.

  • PRA, ERAS, CaRMS, MLP IMG, BC CAP, AIMG MMI, Fellowship & Healthcare Roles

  • Traditional Interview, Panel & MMI

  • Includes follow-up email

    60 min - $174+hst

Administrative (Documentation)

All administrative hours are completed behind the scenes/offline within 2 business days of your booking - exceptions during busier times (NOTE: - we don’t meet as this session intends to either provide feedback or improvements to your documents on my own - if you would like to meet 1:1 to discuss documents, please book 1:1 Consultation ).

This can include the following for personal statements, resumes, cover letters, applications, and CVs:

  • Editing

  • Suggestions for improvement

  • Ideas for statement stories & themes

  • Correcting grammar and spelling

  • Reviewing content to make sure it aligns with requirements

  • Review CV for eligibility and suggestions on pathways

  • Address formatting issues

  • Provide feedback on how to leverage a client’s individual strengths, background, skill sets, and education throughout the document

  • Share relevant resources, links, and tools

    60 min - $148+hst

    90min - $208+hst

Interested in courses or workshops?

2025/2026 cycle sessions: BC CAP application, PRA interview, BC CAP MMI, CaRMS 2024 prep, Personal statements, & more!

Contact us